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Zašto Helena Trojanska?


SR: Helena Trojanska nije bila samo najlepša žena iz grčke mitologije i slavne Ilijade zbog koje je započeo desetogodišnji Trojanski rat. Ona je postala simbol lepote po sebi i oličenje njenih moći. Lepota nas opčinjava samim tim što postoji. To je nešto što uočavamo čulom vida, ali što uzbudjuje našu unutrašnjost i otkriva nam nove svetove. Od najstarijih vremena lepota se poistovećivala sa svetlošću jer je se smatralo da je ona vidljivi odraz Bića. Ona nam osvetljava više sfere postojanja i izvodi nas iz mraka. Ilijada nam poručuje da se treba boriti za lepotu, ne za moć i slavu, jer lepota to sve sadrži u sebi, samo na istinitiji i trajniji način.

Prema mitu, želeći da kazni Helenu za izdaju, Menelaj je podigao mač na nju, ali ga je ispustio protiv svoje volje, opčinjen njenom lepotom, kao da ju je ugledao prvi put. Ta priča nam metaforički govori da lepota obezoružava i štiti u isto vreme – čuva nas od prestanka postojanja, od nestanka humanosti u nama. Ono najljudskije u čoveku je povezano sa njegovom žeđi za lepotom, umetnošću, inspiracijom, kreacijom.

Prvi put kad upoznajemo Helenu u Ilijadi, vidimo je kako sedi i tka u veliki ćilim sve scene iz rata odajući počast svim herojima obe zaraćene strane. Lepota je, dakle, direktno povezana sa stvaranjem. Stvaranje samo po sebi nam omogućava da se približimo lepoti i svetlosti. Helena Trojanska nas uči je potreba za kreacijom nešto što proističe iz osećanja i doživljaja koje nije osećala samo ona već i svaki čovek u svim vremenima, a to su: strast, opčinjenost, osećaj krivice i saosećanja, nezadovoljstvo svojim položajem, doživljaj nepravde, potreba za lepotom i ljubavlju. Ona nas uči da je stvaranje način na koji se treba nositi sa svim tim velikim i teškim osećanjima, da upravo iz njih treba crpsti inspiraciju i da zahvaljujući njima nastaje kreativni čin. Kroz kreativnost se približavamo lepoti, a lepota je uteha, svetlost i toplota.

Prosto je neopisivo fascinantno kako je pre toliko vekova, u vremenu i svetu koji se se toliko razlikuju od našeg, u Ilijadi prikazan kroz Helenin lik, pored sve njene nadzemaljske lepote, običan čovek, sa svim ljudskim osećanjima, koja su univerzalna i svevremenska. Fascinantno je kako taj ep danas može nama toliko da kaže, i da nam govori o stvarima koje nas se najviše i istinski tiču. Naziv ovog  bloga i moje kreativne radionice  nastao je iz opčinjenosti lepotom i istinom celokupne umetnosti antičke Grčke, Ilijade i lika Helene Trojanske.



Why Helen of Troy?


EN: Helen of Troy was not just a most beautiful woman from the ancient Greek mythology and famous Iliad because of whom started the great ten-year Trojan war. She is much more than that. She became a symbol of beauty itself and a representation of all the power that beauty posses. Beauty captivates us only by its existing. It is something we perceive through the sense of sight but affects our inner parts and reveals us whole new worlds. From the ancient times, beauty was connected with light because it was considered as a visible sign of Being. Beauty enlightens the higher spheres of life for us and brings us out of the dark. Iliad tells us that we should not fight for power and glory, but for beauty, as it is all of that just in more profound and truthful way.

According to the myth, When Menelaus wanted to punish Helen because of her betrayal, he pointed a sword towards her but then he unwillingly dropped it, because he was captivated by Helen’s beauty. This story is a metaphorical presentation of idea that beauty disarms and protects us – from disappearance of humanity in us and from stopping existing. Everything humanly in people is connected to their eager for beauty, art, inspiration and creation.

The first time we are introduced to Helen in Iliad, we see her weaving a big rug with scenes from the war paying respect to all the heroes. We learn that the beauty is firmly connected to creation. Creativity brings us closer to beauty and light. Helen of Troy teaches us that the urge for creation is something that comes from feelings and experience that are common for all the people of all the times: passion, fascination, feeling of guilt and empathy, dissatisfaction with their position, feeling of injustice, crave for beauty and love. We are told in Iliad that we should deal with those feelings through creation and see them as a source of inspiration. Through creativity we are getting closer to beauty, and beauty is a comfort, light and warmth.

it is just inexpressible fascinating how so many centuries ago, in the word and time that are so different from ours, Iliad showed us through the character of Helen of Troy feelings and urges of an ordinary man. It is incredible how that epic has so much to tell us today, and it tells us things that really do matter and that really concern us. The name of this blog and mine couture workshop is a consequence of infatuation for the beauty and truth of Greek art, Iliad and character of Helen of Troy. 









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